Anne Frank Foundation

The Anne Frank Foundation or Anne Frank Stichting is a foundation in The Netherlands originally established to maintain the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam. This foundation also advocates the fight against antisemitism and racism and publishes the Dutch annual Monitor Racisme en Extreem-rechts (Monitor Racism and Extreme Right), in which the activities of present day racists are studied.

Outside of The Netherlands the Anne Frank Foundation organizes expositions and informs on Anne Frank.

The Anne Frank Stichting was founded on 3rd May 1957 to prevent the tearing down of the house in Amsterdam in which Anne Frank was hidden since 1942 during the German occupation of the Netherlands in the Second World War. In 1960 the Anne Frank Huis became a museum.

Director of the foundation is Hans Westra, who will retire in 2011 and will be followed up by Ronald Leopold.